We have a Twitch channel!!!

Good news everyone!

We now have a Twitch channel. We have it set up so you can get a chance to experience the fun that all participating Hoot Dawg streamers are enjoying.

Here is what we are doing:

Its quite simple, really. When you go to https://www.twitch.tv/hootdawgtv, you could have the opportunity to view a random clan member via autohost. We are trying to give our members the opportunity to stream and share their passion. To expand their audience to make it more entertaining and fun. The only thing we ask is, please click on the link to view their channel so you can join in chat, and be sure to give them a follow.

We hope you enjoy. Stop by, and say Hi. We have a bunch of cool people in this clan.

Note: we also have a Twitch social link icon on the left of this website if you are viewing from desktop, that will take you to HootDawgTV.
